Everything DiSC Productive Conflict PROFILE

$ 160.00

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict

Harness the power of workplace conflict with Everything DiSC® PRODUCTIVE CONFLICT.  Workplace conflict is inevitable. Rather than focus on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict helps learners curb destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, ultimately improving workplace results and relationships.

Everything DiSC PRODUCTIVE CONFLICT helps learners increase self-awareness around conflict behaviors and discover how to effectively respond to the uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict. 

With Everything DiSC PRODUCTIVE CONFLICT, learners will:

  • Explore the destructive and productive conflict behaviors of each DiSC® style

  • Understand how to manage their response to conflict situations

  • Discover communication strategies when engaging in productive conflict with colleagues

Make the program work for you.  Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict offers in-depth, highly personalized content. Online tailoring options make it easy to design a customize the program that’s right for your organization.

What You Receive

    • Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile

    • When You Buy 1 = You will immediately receive an email confirmation of your order.  Then, an email with an "Access Code" (to link and login to the online assessment for your Profile) will be sent to you within 2-5 business days (Mon-Fri) to the billing email that you enter during the checkout process.  Upon receipt of your "Access Code," you can complete your assessment online at any time, and immediately receive your completed Profile to read, save, store, transmit, and/or print.

    • When You Buy 2 Or More = You will immediately receive an email confirmation of your order. Then, more emails with 2 or more "Access Codes" (to link and login to the online assessment for your Profile) will be sent to you within 2-5 business days (Mon-Fri) to the billing email that you enter during the checkout process.  Upon receipt of your "Access Code," you can complete your assessment online at any time, and immediately receive your completed Profile to read, save, store, transmit, and/or print.  You can also forward these emails with "Access Codes" to others to complete.

    Additional Info & Links

    • Quantity Limit = We recommend a quantity limit of 3 to 4 total Profiles.  Why?  See FAQ.

    • Guidelines = To make your choices easier, and your results more accurate and meaningful, consider:  If a film crew followed you for 3 years, how often would they film each behavior within the DiSC assessment?  Of course, the film crew will find that your behavior will vary from hour to hour, day to day, situation to situation, and at work and at home.  However, after 3 years of filming, what trend would the majority of the film show?  Describe your most common behaviors.  Describe how you really are, not how you want to be, and not how you think you should be.  It's best not to rush, nor over-think your responses.  Your assessment should take about 10-15 minutes.

    • Important = You can change your answers at any time during your assessment, but not after you have submitted your final answers.  Once you submit your final responses, your Profile is now officially completed and available to you.  Your Access Code cannot be used again to change your final answers, or to re-take your completed assessment to receive a new/different Profile.  There are no options available to us, or any other DiSC Product Distributor, to change your final answers on your completed Profile.  Your Access Code can be used to retrieve your completed Profile at any time.  You can buy a new Profile (using a new Access Code) at any time, although we recommend that you wait a minimum of 3-6 months between assessments for more reliable results.  Thank you for your understanding.

    Smart Shoppers

    • To buy only 1 to 4 Profiles, purchase here at DiSC-Assessments!

    • To buy 5 or more Profiles, purchase an EPIC Account here at DiSC-Assessments to save money and gain full benefits!  See FAQ.

    • Clients = Since you already have an EPIC Account with us, you only need to purchase EPIC Credits when you need them for any number of Profiles!